AutoWeek will be hosting its first virtual auto show, the AutoWeek Virtual Green Car Show, in partnership with ON24, the global leader in webcasting and virtual events. This live event is scheduled for September 22, 2010.
The Virtual Green Car Show will provide information about earth-friendly transportation and technology. It will also provide manufacturer-to-consumer interaction to the hottest segment of society -- the green culture," said Dutch Mandel, associate publisher and editorial director of AutoWeek.
"This is just another extension of AutoWeek's authoritative voice and reach to hungry consumers enthusiastic about cars, particularly technology," said KC Crain, AutoWeek vice president and publisher. "We are continually striving to provide content that is accessible, entertaining and informational -- whether through print, online or events. We deliver the latest and greatest information from an exciting and ever-changing industry."
A highlight of the green car show will be exhibits in a digital exhibit hall; they will feature the latest on green power systems and new hybrid and electric vehicles, fuel cells and diesels. The show will also provide attendees with access to experts for Q&A and opportunities to network with other green consumers.
"An industry first, the Virtual Green Car Show is an example of innovative consumer marketing," said ON24 CMO Denise Persson. "It also illustrates the growing popularity of virtual events. Thousands of consumers have registered for this first-of-its-kind virtual show, and reach will be further extended with on-demand availability of this truly valuable content."
"Our event brings the next dimension to an auto show experience, and I'm excited to be part of this innovation," Mandel said. "More people can touch our car world with low impact to the environment. The passion for green and technological capabilities have converged. Green means go -- to consumers, to companies and to our future."
The AutoWeek Virtual Green Car Show will begin at 11:00 a.m. EDT September 22. Click here or visit to register.
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